Thursday, July 5, 2012


So I totally cheated when it came to selecting the topic for this month.  I knew that we would have a newborn, and its hard to go too far wrong with a subject as cute as this one.  I have tons more than this, but I figured I would keep it to just a few.

This is one of the first moments that Suzie got to see Callen after he was wisked away to get some extra medical care.  It speaks volumes.

 This one is just gorgeous.  There is nothing more beautiful that a mother and her baby.  It makes it even better when the mother and baby are beautiful themselves.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 2012--CHILDREN

Jacob Young's daughter, Sage, mirroring the statue
in the Mediterranean Garden.

Summer is kids + water = loads of fun.
Picture captured at the City of Centennial
Splash Park.

 Help! These mad water drops are attacking me!

" Can I find my way through here without getting my hair wet?"

And below--Aren't babies' fat little legs the cutest things?
These last three pics were taken at the park by my office during a lunch hour.
Hopefully, the attending parents didn't think I was some kind of predator.